Q1.Which was the 13th firm to register it's domain name ?
Q2. A philosophical situation is described -
"A woman sees a runaway train approaching a fork in a track. The train is headed for the branch with five people working on it, but the onlooker can divert it to kill one person. What is the right course of action to take ?"
Who proposed this famous philosophical situation ?
Q3. Connect Coldplay and Microsoft Corporation.
Q4. Connect the American television series Lost and India.
Q5. Name this recently-introduced software and it's creators.

Q6. Identify him and name his famous software creations.

1. Texas Instruments
2. Phillipa Foot
3. Brian Eno worked on Viva La Vida with Coldplay and is credited with the Windows 95 Start-Up Sound
4. One of the main lead characters - Sayid Jarrah is played by an Indian origin actor - Naveen Andrews
5. Rdio by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis.
6. Justin Frankel
Software Creations - Winamp, Gnutella, REAPER
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